Why Free Proxy Server are dangerous in 2024?

This post all about free proxy servers, If you search for information about unblocking sites and how to maintain your privacy while navigating the Internet, you will almost always find a lot of people talking about free or open proxy servers. This might seem to be a good idea at first glance. But in the end, it could cost you more than you can ever imagine.

Some Advantages of free proxy server

For a proxy server to provide safe or unblocked traffic, it must have a connection to a large Internet backbone. It needs bandwidth in order to send your information back and forth to you. This wouldn’t be a big problem if there was only one user. The problem with bandwidth is that it costs money.

Therefore large quantities of bandwidth cost much money. Add the costs of maintenance, operation and security and you get the picture; more money.
You need to ask yourself, everyone wanted to earn money also you think now would anyone spend so much money for creating a FREE proxy server service? The only logical answer is that it’s not free. They have a plan to pull a profit from their investment.

Some of these companies fill your proxy server session with advertisements, which you click on in order to generate income for them. The idea being that people will click those advertisements while waiting for connections to the websites they are going to visit. But no matter how many ads get clicked, your connection will always be slower than the ad-channel, since the advertisements (income) obviously take priority over your data, and they rationalize that the longer you look at an ad, the more likely you are to click it.

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Why free proxy servers are dangerous?

Big problem is that open or free proxy servers are often operated by hackers, Internet “con-artists”, and people with similar intentions. Their main focus is to collect personal information from you, which they will easily accomplish if you use their proxy server carelessly.

Now If you’ve used free proxy servers in the previous time, you might have wondered why those proxy servers were often and suddenly shut down or often and often down. You can understand very easily because Free proxy server operator accounts were created by on person using stolen credit card information. And When they are discovered anything, these proxies are quickly closed by the providers.

They commit many illegal acts, including credit card fraud. Free Proxy server providers just wait for you to use your financial information (including CC info, bank, passwords, etc.) And while you are connected to their free proxy server, and that’s that.

Conclusion: Now If you use a free proxy server, you are running the risk of being an identity theft victim, and your computer could even be used to commit crimes without your knowledge.

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